Part II from yesterday...let's see if I manage to write this one, as well, before the life calls...<3
Pancakes always work for the kids. And a tent. So yesterday afternoon it became both, and we actually had a really good time despite the rain. Kids' tent was made in a very sophisticated manner of 3 hay poles and couple of white sheets, and the kids enjoyed a great deal (making it was another story, as my dear husband wasn't overly keen on the project after woken up from his afternoon nap and thought that I could be a little more supportive rather than asking, how come the whole thing fell apart while I ran inside to get some yarn...:D) making a mess inside with blueberries and 2 liters of juice...

The process of eating these pancakes took around, well - 2 minutes, and we even saw some fighting (seriously, it was like 17 pancakes for each kid..) over the last one - but - mission accomplished. The nothing-to-do whining stopped.
They didn't have any of their supper, but couldn't care less - it's summer time... :)
lettuja, kesäkeititö
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