Friday, March 21, 2014

Agnes basket made of river reed - nothing like it!

Agnes basket

Agnes basket

Sometimes you find the best basket ever - and just can't live without it anymore. This basket is hand-woven of river reed coming from river Sondu Miriu of Victoria lake in Kenya. Winter or summer, the reed basket with strong leather handles is now-a-days my portable office. So I can really say, this product has been tested - for a year, carrying around 10 kg in it constantly. As good as new, I can say.

You know what is the best thing about it (in addition to it's beauty and strength, of course)? The sides have been made a little bit lower on the other end, so it is easy to carry it on your shoulder. It fits nicely under your arm.

No, you don't see these kinds of details very often :).


Tämä Agnes kori on ehkä maailman paras kori. Ensinnäkin se on megaiso, joten siihen mahtuu tämän naisen kannettava toimisto. Kesät talvet, kyllä.

Ja paras asia tässä tilaihmeessä? Sen laidat on kudottu himppasen matalammaksi toisessa päässä, joten sitä on helppo kantaa olkapäällä. Mahtuu nääs käsivarren alle mukavasti.

Eipä tällaisia detskuja näe tuotteissa ihan hirveen usein :).

Agnes basket

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